Join us for this 6-month online journey and move on the path to #BridgingTheGaps that divide us!
#BridgingTheGap is our introduction course to racial justice theory and practice. In this cohort organized class you will also learn the role that you as a white person can play in helping to disrupt the status quo. You will learn the importance of crossing over artificial social barriers, how to authentically engage in conversations around racial justice and the importance and power of your voice.
Your Instructor
Hasira “Soul” Ashemu is a prolific writer, speaker, facilitator and communications professional who has been using his talents, experience and skills to create and support stimulating, engaging and innovative community initiatives that usher in social change. In addition, he has worked in the non-profit and governmental sectors in the United States and five African nations. He has earned an impressive record of achievement by conceiving, designing and executing bold, distinctive, high-impact programs and events that have outstanding returns.